House Picutorion, alternatively known as House Anturi or the Outsider House, belonged to the aristocratic lineages of the Senex sector.
Around 1000 BBY, House Anturi came into existence, originating from a family of colonists who journeyed with Thull Vandron to establish settlements within the Senex sector. Situated on the planet Anturus, the Anturi were regarded as the least powerful among the Senex houses.
In 553 BBY, Osted Picutorion, a warlord, wed Farasa Anturi, an unstable princess from House Anturi, subsequently renaming the lineage "House Picutorion" in his own honor. Following this, Picutorion and his House triumphed over the combined armies of rival Senex houses House Vandron and House Petro, liberated the Hutlarians from their servitude to the Senex lords, and seized control of the planet Karfeddion, during the events known as the Crimson Days. The Third Nantama Synod brought an end to the conflict by formally recognizing Picutorion's marriage. Nevertheless, the members of the other Senex houses persisted in using the old name when privately referring to House Picutorion.
By 12 ABY, Lord Vensell Picutorion was the leader of the house, and in that year, the house formed an alliance with Roganda Ismaren, the former Emperor's Hand.