The House of Cron represented a noble family of great power and antiquity originating from the Tion Cluster.
In the Tion Cluster, the House of Cron functioned as the royal family governing the ancient Kingdom of Cron. Their existence predates even the Xim Wars, with Duke Robeir II, the family's leader at that time, having a known association with Xim the Despot.
The Clone Wars era saw the continued presence of the House of Cron. During this period, the Tion Cluster was split into the Kingdom of Cron and the Tion Hegemony. Recognizing the decline of the Tion Hegemony's former prominence, the House of Cron provided financial support to the Allied Tion Historical Society, with the goal of highlighting the Hegemony's significant history and heritage.
During the Imperial Period, the House of Cron maintained its rule over the Kingdom of Cron. However, following the Clone Wars, the Kingdom's status shifted to that of an Imperial client state, and its lands were restructured into an Imperial sector known as the Cronese Mandate. While the Kingdom of Cron retained a semblance of independence, its monarchs were obligated to pledge loyalty to Emperor Palpatine. Robeir XXIII reigned as the King of Cron during the Galactic Civil War.