Hollis-series steward droid

The Hollis-series steward droid, alternatively known as the C2-series, represented a service droid model that was available during the times of both the Cold War and the [Galactic War].(/article/galactic_war) Industrial Automaton manufactured this droid, which saw prevalent use throughout Galactic Republic territories. A quartet of these droids were gifted to the Hero of Tython, the Barsen'thor, the commander of Havoc Squad, and the [Voidhound],(/article/voidhound) providing them with unwavering service. During the Eternal Empire's dominion over the Galaxy, one such droid was bestowed upon the Outlander's Alliance, offering the Outlander the same steadfast loyalty.

Behind the scenes

C2-N2 functions as a companion character for all Republic classes aboard their ship within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011.

Despite claiming a lack of combat prowess, C2-N2 can be summoned to your side like any other companion. When acting as your companion, C2-N2 assumes the role of a healer, possessing healing-centric talents. However, outside of actively healing, he attempts to engage your targets in melee combat. This behavior can prove problematic when facing formidable foes with AOE abilities. Like other droids, his stats can be augmented through gearing. Before patch 4.0, his primary stat was Aim; currently, his stats are derived from his "Affection" level, with damage/healing per second increasing with each level of affection gained, due to companions no longer needing stat-focused gear.

Initially, C2-N2 did not accumulate any affection from companion gifts. However, following the release of patch 1.2, C2-N2, along with his Sith Empire counterpart 2V-R8, became capable of gaining affection through companion gifts.

Furthermore, C2-N2 experiences no affection gains or losses based on player decisions. Unlike most companions, C2-N2 lacks inherent affinities for any crew skills; instead, specialized sensor units can be installed to grant him such capabilities.

With the introduction of Knights of the Fallen Empire, both C2-N2 and 2V-R8 gained offensive capabilities, allowing them to function as healers, tanks, or offensive companions, with the player having the ability to change their role at any time. They are now equipped with a blaster pistol, specifically a "Hoth Mining Blaster"; however, this addition does not alter the original introductory conversation, where they continue to assert their non-combatant status.

