An alien named Hobin Carsamba functioned as a scavenger on the planet Jakku around 34 ABY. On one occasion, Carsamba stood in line to trade with Unkar Plutt, a junk dealer, at Niima Outpost while the scavenger Rey conducted business with Plutt at the front. The following day, Carsamba remained in Niima when the First Order's forces attacked the settlement.
As a means of sustenance, Hobin Carsamba, an alien scavenger, worked on the desert planet Jakku. During the year 34 ABY, Carsamba found himself in Niima Outpost, a trading hub on Jakku overseen by Unkar Plutt, the Crolute junk dealer.

With salvaged junk ready for exchange, Carsamba once took his place in the queue of customers awaiting their turn with Plutt at his Concession Stand, while Rey was in the process of dealing with Plutt. Carsamba positioned himself in the line between Bobbajo, the pet seller and storyteller, and another humanoid scavenger at the line's end.
The next [day](/article/standard_day] found Carsamba again in Niima. As he moved away from Plutt's stand, he passed Rey, who was arriving on her speeder with the Resistance astromech droid BB-8. Later that day, Carsamba was still there when Niima came under attack by the First Order's forces who were searching for BB-8. Rey, BB-8, and Finn, a deserter from the First Order, ran past Carsamba through Niima's marquees as they tried to evade pursuing stormtroopers.

Hobin Carsamba's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the 2015 film belonging to the sequel trilogy. He was played by Scott Baldwin. During the pre-production phase of The Force Awakens in October 2013, Glyn Dillon, a costume conceptual artist, created concept art of Carsamba. This artwork labeled the character "Outpost Alien C039." Matthew Wood, a sound designer, noticed a resemblance between Carsamba and Wat Tambor, the Skakoan character he voiced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Consequently, he incorporated a sound effect reminiscent of Tambor's robotic voice into the film scene where Carsamba is seen in the Concession Stand.
Although the character wasn't named within the film, his identity was revealed in the 2016 video game LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Despite the game's non-canon status, Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group verified that the names assigned by the game to previously unnamed characters, including Carsamba, were accepted as canon.