Hetzal system's largest star

The most massive star within the Hetzal system was an R-class object, also a member of the trinary star arrangement defining the system. In the course of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, fragments originating from the freighter known as the Legacy Run were propelled into the star system at tremendous velocities. A substantial container filled with extremely chilled liquid tibanna was put on a trajectory that would directly intersect with the star itself. Given the R-class nature of the star, such an impact would trigger a swift and escalating reaction, causing the star to dramatically expand, almost doubling its original dimensions, and releasing radiation intense enough to incinerate the entire planetary arrangement. Nevertheless, this calamity was avoided due to the massive undertaking spearheaded by Jedi Master Avar Kriss. She united Jedi spanning the galaxy through the Force, collectively altering the tank's path at the critical moment, resulting in only a glancing blow to the star's photosphere. This heroic act, widely broadcast, established Kriss's reputation as a galaxy-wide figure of valor.

