Hast (Human)

Hast was a member of the Human species, specifically a male individual, who at one time was a member of the Galactic Empire, and later served the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Before becoming a Special Agent within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Hast, a Human male, was a student at the Imperial Academy and subsequently worked as a Pit Lieutenant. During his time with the Empire, he was stationed on the Valiant, reporting to both Captain Oweg and Moff Vensell. When his tour of duty concluded, Hast made the decision to leave his post and affiliate himself with the Alliance. He was then appointed to Ordnance and Supply and served as a Special Agent under Ral'Rai Muvunc, observing privateer starships utilized by the Alliance.

Following a period of three years, Hast received a new assignment aboard the Free Lance, a privateer starship under the command of Captain Urias Xhaxin, where he was designated as an Alliance observer. The relationship between Hast and Captain Xhaxin was strained, characterized by persistent disagreements and Hast's tendency to question the captain's decisions.

