Harte Secur Airbase

Harte Secur Airbase, a military facility, served as a base of operations for the Naboo Airforce. It was positioned to the southwest of the city of Harte Secur. This base was home to some of the most skilled pilots from the planet of Naboo. During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, starfighters deployed from this Airbase engaged the Trade Federation Droid Army forces commanded by OOM-9.


Situated southwest of the city of Harte Secur on the planet of Naboo was Harte Secur Airbase. The base consisted of several buildings arranged on either side of a central paved stone pathway. This path terminated at an obelisk, which marked the end of the path in front of a cliff on the northwestern edge. On the southwestern side of the Airbase, one could find two prefab shelters, a command center, a power core, and a spaceport. Conversely, the northeastern side featured two airbases separated by a power core, and two additional prefab shelters. The buildings at Harte Secur Airbase were adorned with orange patterns. Being a facility of the Naboo Airforce, the Airbase was equipped to launch and support aircraft. Royal trade ships were responsible for transporting supplies between Harte Secur and the Airbase.


OOM-9 was given a reconnaissance report about the pilots from Harte Secur Airbase.

During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY by the Trade Federation, Harte Secur Airbase was guarded by a single Udopal speeder pilot. As the Trade Federation Droid Army made preparations to attack Harte Secur, their intelligence operations revealed that the Airbase housed some of the best pilots on Naboo. Consequently, OOM-9, a B1-series battle droid, was briefed and advised to destroy the Airbase after recovering a droid control program that the Naboo had previously stolen. After OOM-9 successfully retrieved the program, starfighters operating from the Airbase launched an assault on his camp.

Later on, OOM-9's forces succeeded in destroying the Airbase.

Behind the scenes

The 2001 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds featured Harte Secur Airbase. It appeared in the second level of the Trade Federation campaign, entitled "Behind the Lines." While destroying the Airbase was not mandatory for the player, it was recommended in the level's reconnaissance report. If the player failed to quickly eliminate Harte Secur Airbase, it would deploy N-1L Light Starfighters and NB-1 Royal Bombers to attack the player's camp.

