Harlon Fane

Harlon Fane was a male Human. He was a shrewd corporate leader who held the position of Chairman within the Corellian Corporate Council on Corellia. This occurred during both the Cold War and the Galactic War that transpired between the Galactic Republic and the re-emerging Sith Empire.


Following a lengthy and prosperous career as a high-ranking executive at the galaxy's largest starship manufacturing company, Harlon stepped away from the company's daily operations. He then transitioned to a more prominent and influential role, acting as the manufacturer's representative within the Corellian Corporate Council. This council was an assembly of significant industry figures dedicated to using their influence to benefit corporations within Corellian politics.

When the Sith Empire took control of Corellia, he chose to stand against the Sith. He became a leader within the resistance movement, and a crucial source of funding. Consequently, Darth Tormen dispatched his hunter to capture him. Trapped in his own office by the Hunter, Fane attempted to bribe the mercenary in exchange for leniency. The Hunter indicated a willingness to consider the offer, but only if Fane first eliminated the substantial bounty on the Hunter's head. Fane pretended to agree, but then activated his personal shield and instructed his security personnel to overpower the Hunter. However, his guards were no match for the Mandalorian's skills. Fearing for his life, Fane begged to be spared, promising to leave Corellia. The Hunter refused, stating that Tormen required Fane's presence. Realizing he had no other options, Fane deactivated his shield and surrendered. Subsequently, the Hunter presented Harlon Fane, encased in carbonite, to Tormen. After being released from the carbonite, Tormen forced Fane to sign a treaty that formalized Corellia's separation from the Republic. Following the signing of the treaty, he was executed for treason against the Empire.

