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The comic tale "Hare-Brained Heist" centers its narrative on Lando Calrissian and Jaxxon in the period following the Battle of Endor. It first appeared as the main story within Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019, released on August 14, 2019.
Not long after the events of the Battle of Endor, Landonis Balthazar Calrissian and Nien Nunb still found themselves in command of the Millennium Falcon. While engaged in hyperspace travel, Solo made contact with Calrissian, expressing concern about potential damage to the Falcon. The Falcon's destination was the planet Rekkana, prompted by the reception of a distress signal originating from that world. However, upon exiting hyperspace, they were immediately set upon by attacking TIE fighters. Despite Solo's orders to flee, Calrissian deactivated the holoprojector.
Calrissian engaged the fighters, but their numbers quickly overwhelmed him. He then powered down the engines just as the TIE fighters closed in from both sides. At the critical moment, as the fighters drew near, he reactivated the Falcon, maneuvering it out of harm's way while the TIE fighters' own shots collided with each other. Following this, Calrissian and Nunb made their way to the planet's surface.
On the planet's surface, Lieutenant Drosk informed Commodore Visler Korda that an unidentified starship had breached their defensive perimeter. The commodore, in response, dismissed Drosk and turned his attention to teaching the local enslaved Rekk population a harsh lesson.
Calrissian surveyed the Rekkana work camp and observed that the Rekk, despite outnumbering the stormtroopers nine to one, had not revolted. He then infiltrated the camp, bypassing the guards. He traced the distress signal to a holding cell, hoping its occupant could offer assistance. Upon opening the cell, he found the smuggler Jaxxon T. Tumperakki imprisoned within. Tumperakki revealed he had been hired to liberate the Rekk's chancellor but had been captured. He then disclosed that the chancellor was in the adjacent cell, seizing Calrissian's blaster to blast open the wall.
They escorted Chancellor Asera out of the compound, intending for her to rally her people. However, she explained that this would be difficult, as the Galactic Empire had stolen the Totem of Saglanost. Without it, the Rekk had lost hope; its recovery would be essential to inciting a rebellion. Unfortunately, the totem was located off-world, and Asera lacked information about its whereabouts.
En route back to the Falcon, they were detected by stormtroopers who opened fire. Calrissian devised a plan to utilize the nearby scuttlers. He boasted that only Solo could evade the stormtroopers' fire. This prompted Tumperakki to prove him wrong, darting through the blaster fire to reach the scuttlers. Tumperakki provided covering fire for Calrissian and Asera as they joined him. Commodore Korda entered the fray, but before Tumperakki could target him from a scuttler, its legs malfunctioned, causing it to collapse on Korda. Both Tumperakki and Korda survived the fall, and the Lepi set off to find his ship.
After arriving at the New Republic capital on Chandrila, R2-D2 discovered that the totem, along with numerous other artifacts, was stored at the Palpatine Archive space station in the Coruscant system. Solo refused to lend the Falcon for the mission, and Leia Organa declined the use of any Republic cruisers. Consequently, Calrissian and Asera were forced to rely on the Rabbit Foot. Despite its age and disrepair, the ship managed to reach the Palpatine Archive.
Tumperakki, disguised in an Imperial military uniform, infiltrated the space station with his droid ML-08 "Mel". They posed as delivering junk, claiming it was art, but were intercepted by an analysis droid. The droid expressed disgust at Tumperakki's junk and his ship but deemed Mel worthy of the archive. Tumperakki's attempt to steal the Golden Agrooba of Metlok IV triggered the alarms, and the droid summoned the Emperor's Royal Guards to apprehend him. A chase ensued throughout the archive.
Meanwhile, Calrissian released Asera from the junk pile where she had been hiding. As they navigated the space station, Asera located a databank containing the totem's location. While she searched, Calrissian inadvertently knocked over a cape from a display, causing it to break. This alerted the royal guards, who pursued them. Asera pinpointed the totem's location, and they raced towards it. Calrissian incapacitated the guards by dislodging fossils onto them.
Asera discovered that the totem was in the melting room, about to be destroyed. Thinking quickly, Calrissian grabbed a rope and swung across to the totem. He then kicked it free from a pile of junk just before it was melted. Asera caught the totem, and they made their escape.
Upon returning to the ship, they found it guarded by the Emperor's guards. One of them arrested Calrissian, who remarked on the guard's excessive talking. The guard then revealed himself, cueing Mel. Mel rolled through, knocking over the analysis droid and the other guards. The guard revealed himself to be Tumperakki, and they escaped.
Back on Rekkana, Lieutenant Drosk, Commodore Korda, and his Imperial faction prepared to unveil the Auto-fighter to The galaxy. The auto-fighter was intended to rebuild the Imperial Navy and dismantle the New Republic. As the cam droid began its recording and the fighters flew in, they opened fire on the platform where the Imperials were standing. Amidst the chaos, Calrissian contacted the Commodore from inside the work camp, revealing that the Rekk had reprogrammed the fighters and that the entire event was being broadcasted galaxy-wide.
Shortly thereafter, a Rekk reported the Empire's surrender, and Chancellor Asera expressed gratitude to the Totem of Saglanost for its fortune. She also thanked Tumperakki and Calrissian for their assistance. Tumperakki attempted to abscond with the Golden Agrooba of Metlok IV, but Calrissian intervened, insisting it be returned. Tumperakki dismissed it with a laugh as everyone celebrated. Calrissian then inquired if Tumperakki would consider joining the Republic. After a moment of contemplation, Tumperakki asked where he could sign up.