The Halthor sector represented a specific region within the galaxy, identifiable as a sector. Before the significant event known as the Battle of Yavin, Lando Calrissian, accompanied by L3-37, experienced an unexpected attack within the Halthor sector. This ambush occurred when an Imperial interdictor suddenly emerged from hyperspace. Due to this surprise assault, Calrissian suffered the loss of a significant portion of his cargo, consisting of All Terrain Defense Turret walkers. These walkers had been obtained from an Er'Kit arms dealer operating in the Noonian sector.
Following the Battle for Tatooine, Saponza's Gang obtained Calrissian's holorecordings. Simultaneously, they intercepted communications from the criminal network mentioning the use of older, heavily armed walkers. Saponza concluded that someone had likely discovered Calrissian's lost shipment, and that a search for the remaining cargo was imminent. Consequently, Saponza and his partner initiated a mission to recover Lando Calrissian's shipment.