Grrtok, a Gamorrean of the male persuasion, held the position of commander for a mercenary outfit known as Grrtok's Band. In the era of the Galactic Civil War, Grrtok, though advanced in age for his kind, remained a dangerous fighter when compared to members of other species. Despite the generally low intellectual expectations within Gamorrean culture, he possessed a sharp mind for tactics and enjoyed the esteem of the warriors under his command.
Grrtok's Band was composed of roughly 400 heavily armed Gamorrean individuals. Grrtok journeyed across the galaxy seeking out additional Gamorreans to enlist in his company, sometimes rescuing them from the clutches of slavers. Grrtok operated his mercenary band in a manner similar to the family-based clans found on the Gamorrean homeworld of Gamorr. His group secured contracts with House Barnaba within the Tapani sector.