Grik Sonosan

Grik Sonosan, a male Human operative within the Republic Strategic Information Service, functioned as an intelligence gatherer for the Galactic Republic during the era of the Cold War.


In the year 3643 BBY, Grik possessed classified data pertaining to Nomen Karr and his Jedi apprentice, Jaesa Willsaam. This information remained hidden until his capture by the Sith Empire, at which point he was encased in carbonite and subsequently interrogated on Dromund Kaas by the Sith Lord Darth Baras. Baras grew frustrated, since Grik resisted all attempts to make him talk, as if an unknown force was shielding his thoughts. Baras then dispatched his apprentice to the Dark Temple to recover an ancient torture device, the Ravager, to finally break Grik.

The Ravager is used on Grik Sonosan.

While under the Ravager's influence, Grik verified his status as an agent of the Republic Strategic Information Service, tasked with investigating a suspected Imperial informant on Nar Shaddaa at the behest of Jedi Master Nomen Karr. The revelation that his long-time rival was attempting to expose Imperial spies within the Republic and Jedi ranks infuriated Baras, who demanded to know what had alerted Karr. Grik revealed that Karr was training a Padawan with the extraordinary ability to instantly perceive an individual's true nature. Although Karr was convinced of his Padawan's infallible ability, the Jedi Council remained unconvinced, prompting Karr to personally pursue the spy hunt. Grik was to supply the evidence, but he was captured before he could deliver it.

Aware that the Padawan still posed a threat, even with this small victory, Baras pressed Grik to disclose all information he possessed about her. Grik revealed that the Padawan hailed from Alderaan, had trained on Tatooine, and that the Jedi had deployed an investigator to uncover a suspected spy on Balmorra. However, before he could divulge any further details, the Ravager destroyed his mind, resulting in his death.

