The Gregonian salamander was a salamander species originating from the Gregonia system within the Expansion Region, notable for its resistance to fire. During 1 ABY, the Shi'ido geneticist known as Mammon Hoole tried to ensnare the bounty hunter Boba Fett within the engine compartment of his starship, the Shroud. However, Fett launched a wrist rocket from the wrist rocket launcher integrated into his suit's systems, targeting the ship's ion drive, which resulted in a large blast. Faced with the resulting conflagration, Hoole shape-shifted and took the form of a Gregonian salamander. Later, Hoole explained to Zak Arranda, his adopted son, that transforming into a Gregonian salamander was the only thing that saved him from death due to the intense heat.
The existence of Gregorian salamanders was first brought up in Galaxy of Fear: The Hunger, a 1998 novel written by John Whitman, which served as the concluding book in the Star Wars: Galaxy of Fear series, the twelfth of the series.