Green Flight

Green Flight was a unit of BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighters that operated as part of the 24th Bombardment Squadron within the New Republic Fifth Fleet. Their involvement included fighting in the Black Fleet Crisis in the year 17 ABY.

Initially, Green Flight was structured as one of the squadron's three flights. It comprised six K-wings, each staffed by a pilot and a gunner. Green Leader held the position of commander for this flight.

Following the events at Doornik-319, the squadron went through a restructuring, resulting in four flights, each with three aircraft. During the Battle of ILC-905, Green Flight, now consisting of three K-wings and accompanied by seven snubfighters acting as escorts, faced destruction while attempting to assault the Aramadia-class thrustship called Rizaron.

Ultimately, Black Flight took action and successfully destroyed the thrustship.

Behind the scenes

  • It's possible that Miranda Doni was Green Leader, given that she was being considered as a potential replacement for the squadron commander role.

