Gray Two was the call sign assigned to the second pilot within both Gray Squadron and Gray Flight. These designations were used by both the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic starfighter squadrons, and multiple individuals held the Gray Two identifier.
Around two months after the pivotal Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia Organa's clandestine Rebel T-65 X-wing starfighter squadron, known as Gray Flight, utilized the call sign Gray Two for both the two-pilot flight group consisting of Rus Kal Kin and Falback Kord, and also for Wedge Antilles individually.
During the Battle of Endor, Lieutenant Telsij served as Gray Two within the Rebel Alliance's Gray Squadron, piloting a BTL Y-wing starfighter, with Karie Neth acting as his gunner.
Jesmin Ackbar, a New Republic pilot, flew as Gray Two in Wedge Antilles' Gray Squadron before it was permanently renamed Wraith Squadron. Later, Falynn Sandskimmer, also a member of the Wraiths, adopted the same call sign while the squadron was undercover as the crew of the CR90 corvette Night Caller, which was allied with Imperial Warlord Zsinj. Operating its complement of TIE/LN starfighters, they took on the Gray Flight designation. She fought as Gray Two in both the Battle of Talasea and the Ession conflict.
During the battle on Nam Chorios, a Jedi pilot known as "Gray Two" was a member of Gray Squadron within the New Jedi Order, flying a StealthX wing.