Gowan Ch'lessan, a male Human slicer, served within the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Born on Chandrila, his decision to enlist with the Alliance was fueled by the compelling orations of Mon Mothma. Assuming the role of slicer within Koris Haslam's commando unit, he took part in numerous operations, notably the rescue of Gebnerret Vibrion from the Imperial detention facility located on Selnesh. Disguised as a stormtrooper, Gowan infiltrated the prison. He then skillfully sliced into the central computer system, deactivating the prison's singular tractor beam. This action enabled the team's transport vessel, carrying Vibrion, to successfully break free. In the aftermath of the raid, he offered solace to Dr. Aurin Leith, who was distressed by the necessity of killing a stormtrooper during the mission, a violation of her Hippocratic oath.