Gornt Seron

Gornt Seron was a male Hethas who made his mark as a formidable gangster and crime lord during the New Republic era. Korbin served as the central hub for his illicit activities. Seron's organization included a pair of individuals belonging to an unidentified stalk-eyed species who appeared to share a relatively familiar relationship with him. Furthermore, he employed the services of Kin Laron, a skilled assassin. Seron tasked Laron with the mission to track down and eliminate the wanted criminal, Den Hardon.


Born on the planet Korbin in 48 BBY, Gornt Seron was the offspring of criminals who found themselves stranded on that world. Over the course of several decades immersed in criminal pursuits, Seron accumulated a substantial fortune, elevating him to the status of a prominent crime lord within Korbin's underworld. Seron's illegal operations spanned from Korbin to various other planets. His primary focus was on illicit gambling, but he also engaged in activities such as extortion, smuggling, and arms running. Seron's management of his criminal enterprises was so meticulous that tangible evidence of his unlawful conduct remained scarce. Consequently, the New Republic chose to prosecute Seron for the offense of underreporting the income generated by his legitimate business ventures. The New Republic suspected that these companies were a front for handling illegal goods and laundering illicit funds.

The death of Jabba the Hutt proved advantageous to Seron, as he absorbed sections of Jabba's former organization. On one occasion, the crime lord managed to obtain confidential information regarding the New Republic's strategies for dealing with the remnants of the Galactic Empire. Seron's operatives then contacted the New Republic, demanding a sum of 200,000 credits, which was reluctantly paid. However, there was no verifiable proof of Seron's direct involvement. Consequently, all New Republic agents received standing orders to apprehend Seron whenever he was sighted. The New Republic also offered a reward of 75,000 credits for Seron's capture, based on charges related to the intent to defraud the New Republic government of tax revenue. In 10 ABY, Seron murdered Sub-Prefect Neris for his refusal to be corrupted. Seron had previously eliminated Neris' predecessor, Bregless.

Personality and traits

Seron was a male Hethas standing at a height of two meters.

Skills and abilities

Seron possessed proficiency with a blaster and had extensive knowledge of alien species, their cultures, languages, and planetary systems. Furthermore, he had a functional understanding of bureaucratic procedures and was well-versed in the value of spice.


Seron typically carried a datapad and a comlink.

Behind the scenes

Seron's character was featured in Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook published by West End Games in 1993. The illustration of Seron was created by Mike Vilardi.

