Golden Yoke

The Golden Yoke represented a specially modified Blade-28 fighter of the Tarrvin-on-Kallik make, owned by Pekaelic ke Teldan, who held the title of Perator for the planet Cartann.


This starfighter gained its moniker from its distinctive, completely gold exterior, and it was used by Pekaelic in his younger years during major military triumphs. On Cartann, the fighter was almost as well known as Pekaelic himself, and one of the Perator's official designations was "Master of the Golden Yoke."

Once Pekaelic ascended to the position of Perator, he kept the Golden Yoke within his private hangar, located not far from his palace within Cartann City. A clandestine passage provided a swift and convenient route for him to access the hangar whenever he wished to fly his fighter.

