Girov Dza'tey was a Bothan male who possessed sensitivity to the Force and had been trained in the Jeswandi martial arts.
A few months following the Battle of Endor, he spearheaded a Bothan intelligence operation that took him to the planet of Malrev IV. The [Starfaring], their vessel used for the expedition, experienced a crash landing on the surface of Malrev, which then led to Rogue Squadron initiating a mission to rescue them.
Girov Dza'tey
Simultaneously, Girov came to understand that the planet was saturated with the power of Sith magic, which was being emitted from an ancient Sith Temple location under the control of Cartariun. To infiltrate the temple, Girov used both his own personnel and the Rogues as a means of creating a distraction. Once inside, he engaged Cartariun, along with Dllr Nep who was being held prisoner from Rogue Squadron. Girov then seized command of the Sith magic, utilizing it to murder Cartariun and imprison Dllr. Following this, he launched an assault on his former allies, employing Irrukiine pilots in TIE Interceptors, but he was ultimately defeated due to the combined efforts of Plourr Ilo and an Eiattu 6 fighter squadron. His life ended when Dllr, together with fellow Rogue Herian I'ngre, gave their lives to detonate the Sith temple.