The Ghost Expansion Pack serves as a supplement, adding content to the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game produced by Fantasy Flight Games. This expansion provides meticulously crafted miniatures representing both the VCX-100 light freighter known as the Ghost and its accompanying attack shuttle, the Phantom. These ships are prominently featured in the Star Wars Rebels animated series. Its release occurred on March 17, 2016, marking it as part of the game's eighth wave of expansion sets.
Ignite your own rebellion against the forces of the Galactic Empire with the Ghost Expansion Pack created for X-Wing™! Engage in combat piloting the Ghost and Phantom, and enlist the skills of individuals like Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, and other heroic figures from Star Wars Rebels. The Ghost, renowned as the galaxy's most well-known VCX-100 and arguably the most elusive, makes its entrance into the game as a substantial, pre-painted Rebel starship with a large base. It includes specific rules for deploying the accompanying attack shuttle miniature into the ongoing battle. You will also discover eight ship cards, sixteen upgrade options, and all the necessary tokens and maneuver dials required for gameplay.
- Miniature of the VCX-100 light freighter
- Miniature of the VCX-series auxiliary starfighter
- Two plastic bases
- Four Ship tokens
- Two Maneuver dials
- One Critical Hit token
- Two Focus tokens
- One Evade token
- One Shield token
- 43-44 ID tokens
- One Target Lock token
- One Stress token
- One Cloak token