
Gholondreine-β, situated within the Chitarghar sector of the Expansion Region, was a terrestrial planet. This world became infamous as the location of one of the Galactic Empire's initial acts of atrocities.


Throughout the galaxy, Gholondreine-β's urban centers were celebrated for their learned individuals and philosophers. These thinkers espoused the belief that allegiance to truth should supersede all other considerations for all beings capable of thought, regardless of any immediate repercussions.

The Gholondreine people showed resistance to adopting the principles of the New Order. Around 10 BBY, the planet's intellectual community started disseminating criticisms of the Galactic Empire's governance. In response, Emperor Palpatine commanded that the planet's oceans be completely emptied, with the water transported to Coruscant. Following this ecological devastation, the planet was populated with Ithorian crawlers designed to release biotoxins into the ground, and then left behind as its population escaped to nearby star systems.

Not long after the Battle of Yavin, the bounty hunters Boba Fett and Bossk encountered one another on this arid planet and decided to collaborate in their pursuit of Trhin Voss'on't.

