Gesaral Beta

Gesaral Beta existed as a planet under the control of the Galactic Empire. Leo Leonis reported that its rain was so hazardous that it could kill a human.

Behind the scenes

The planet Gesaral Beta was referenced in The Secret Academy, the concluding book of the Star Wars Rebels: Servants of the Empire collection of junior novels by Jason Fry. This book was released in 2015. The author revealed his original plan for Gesaral Beta to be the same planet where Ania Solo faced razor-sharp glass rain in the Star Wars Legends comic series Star Wars Legacy Volume 2. However, he did not directly include this detail in the novel. Fry added that he would "leave it to Wookieepedia to work out the canonicity". Since this information isn't present in The Secret Academy itself and hasn't been confirmed by the Lucasfilm Story Group, this wiki does not recognize it as canon.

