The King of Doan, a planet, hailed from the Doan Royal House. This occurred in the time period following the [New Sith Wars]. He was the father of Gerran, a Prince, and disapproved of Gerran's union with Serra. Around this period, the Doan Royal House found themselves at odds with the planet's mining caste. In 980 BBY, his son met an accidental death when members of the mining caste tried to force his airspeeder to land prematurely. Seeking vengeance, Serra's bodyguard, Lucia, contracted the Huntress, an Iktotchi assassin, to eliminate those responsible for Gerran's demise.
The Huntress orchestrated an ambush and eliminated Gelba, a leader within the mining caste, along with five miners who were in her company, and Medd Tandar, a Jedi Knight dispatched to Doan to mediate between the Royal House and the miners. This event triggered a diplomatic crisis, as the King feared that the Jedi Order might suspect the Royal House of orchestrating the attack, despite his and Serra's lack of involvement. Consequently, Serra journeyed to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to engage with the Jedi and assure them that the Royal House was not culpable in Tandar's assassination. Subsequently, Serra was slain on Ambria by the Huntress—who had become Darth Bane's newest Sith apprentice, adopting the moniker Darth Cognus—leaving the father as the lone survivor of his lineage.