Gen Tiraan

Born in 30 BBY on the planet of Chandrila, Gen Tiraan was a Human male. Employed by Incom Corporation as a starship engineer, he participated as a member of the team responsible for the creation of the X-wing starfighter. Following the Battle of Endor, he departed from Incom, moved to the Corellian system, and engineered a novel sublight engine. This innovation, in 7 ABY, garnered the attention of both the Galactic Empire and the New Republic.

Despite not committing any offenses against the nascent government, by that year, the New Republic offered a reward of 5,000 credits for Tiraan's apprehension. A profile of Tiraan, including his background, was present in General Airen Cracken's datapad file labeled "Wanted by Cracken."


Trust me, I'm an engineer!

Hailing from the Bormea sector planet of Chandrila, Gen Tiraan entered the world in 30 BBY. Demonstrating a natural aptitude for starship engineering from a young age, he began his career with the Incom Corporation in that very field. While there, he became part of a design team that brought the X-wing starfighter to life, a starfighter that later became iconic for the Rebel Alliance. After the Galactic Empire took control of Incom Corporation, Tiraan was compelled to continue his work for the company, even after key members of Incom's design team defected to the Alliance, taking with them blueprints and prototypes of the starfighter.

Tiraan departed Incom shortly after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. Word of his availability spread, resulting in a multitude of job offers from various organizations, most of which he turned down. Opting to work for a shipping company within the Corellian system, he developed an innovative engine by 7 ABY that surpassed the efficiency of other models of that time. This accomplishment piqued the interest of both the Empire, seeking skilled engineers to bolster their military, and the New Republic, aiming to prevent Tiraan's talents from aiding the Empire.

The hunt for the engineer

Scrambled image of the engine's specifications

In that same year, the New Republic placed a modest bounty of 5,000 credits on Tiraan's capture. General Airen Cracken of the New Republic included the engineer in the "Special Cases" section of his datafile, "Wanted by Cracken," which contained information on individuals of interest to the New Republic. Cracken advised New Republic operatives that they should warn Tiraan that an arrest warrant might be issued if he proved uncooperative. From one of the planets within the Corellian system's, Tiraan dispatched an encrypted transmission containing the technical specifications of his engine. A New Republic agent intercepted this transmission, although the New Republic faced difficulties in deciphering it.

A team of New Republic agents, tasked with locating and securing Tiraan before the Empire could abduct him, entered the Corellian system. Upon their arrival, the agent who intercepted the transmission provided them with a copy and informed the group that the Imperials were attempting to force him into their service.

Personality and traits

A pair of X-wings that Giraan helped to design

Standing at 1.5 meters tall, Tiraan was a Human male who sported a goatee and straight hair parted in the middle. He was known as a diligent, intelligent, and driven individual, achieving the distinction of being the youngest member of Incom's X-wing design team. Tiraan also possessed a strong understanding of his own capabilities, as evidenced by his rejection of numerous job offers after his departure from Incom.

Although he was a law-abiding citizen of the Empire who did not seize the opportunity to defect, the engineer still needed to be compelled to continue working for Incom when the Empire took over the company. Following the development of his new sublight engine, he similarly resisted the Empire's attempts to recruit him, leading to their relentless pursuit to force him into their service. Tiraan generally avoided breaking the law, as he had no charges or arrest warrants issued by the New Republic.

Skills and abilities

Tiraan's personal R2 unit

Tiraan possessed considerable skill in the engineering of starships, encompassing starfighters and transports. This proficiency was evident from his early years, leading to his role as the youngest member of the X-wing development team. Furthermore, he exhibited technical prowess, capable of programming, repairing, and maintaining droids, including his personal R2-series astromech droid. The engineer also demonstrated the foresight and ability to encrypt a transmission containing sensitive schematics before sending it, making it difficult for the New Republic to decode.


Tiraan typically wore a short-sleeved shirt covered by an apron to protect it from stains. He used fingerless gloves and a belt that allowed him to attach tools and a pouch. His pants featured long, rounded pockets on the thighs for storing smaller hand tools, and he wore flat-soled shoes. The engineer commonly carried a pocket computer, datapad, and comlink along with his various tools. Additionally, Tiraan owned an R2-series astromech droid that accompanied him.

Behind the scenes

Gen Tiraan was first mentioned in Wanted by Cracken, a 1993 sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars Roleplaying Game authored by Louis J. Prosperi. An illustration of Tiraan, created by Mike Jackson, accompanied his entry in the book. Jackson based the engineer's appearance on Mike Fitzpatrick, though without credit. Within the game, Tiraan has significant bonuses to his technical abilities, especially in "space transports repair" and "starfighter repair."


Notes and references
