Gavra Ubrento, a human woman who worked as a technician, belonged to a traveling group that provided repair work. Even though she didn't have the most advanced technology or workshops, Ubrento was quite capable of maintaining the operational status of starship engines. Ubrento had previously interacted professionally with the droid mechanic Kaya Gimm. After the Galactic Empire forced Kaya and her sibling Killi to leave the orphanage where they lived, Ubrento pledged to donate some resources to aid them in establishing a new home. Ubrento was in Jedha City not long before the Galactic Empire's Death Star obliterated it. While on Jedha, the probe droid V0-RK captured an image of Ubrento while searching for indications of the [Alliance to Restore the Republic](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_Republic]; however, the Rebel base was actually situated on Hoth and discovered by XJ9-CS14.