
Gastrula, situated in the Rayter sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was a planet. It served as the homeworld for the Gastrulan species. Famously, it marked the end of the short-lived Great Bantha Breakfast Biscuit Run during the Galactic Civil War. The trade route was initiated by Captain Bungo Bung with the goal of earning credits through the sale of the popular snack, Bantha Breakfast Biscuits, to the local population. Unfortunately, the preservatives within these biscuits, when combined with specific components of Gastrula's environment, triggered a mutation, transforming the snacks into the Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit. This resultant being was an insatiable monster that aimed to devour the entire world.


Within the Outer Rim Territories' Rayter sector, the Gastrula system held the planet Gastrula, which was the homeworld of the Gastrulan species. This world had at least a pair of moons in orbit around it, and possessed an atmosphere capable of sustaining carbon-based lifeforms, such as Sullustans. A reaction occurred between the atmosphere and preservatives in Bantha Breakfast Biscuits, a favored snack from the Biscuit Baron restaurant chain. This reaction led to the mutation of the biscuit snack into the Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit, a voracious, amoeba-like entity resembling a bantha.


A Gastrulan

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Gastrula became the final destination of the Great Bantha Breakfast Biscuit Run. This trade route was established by the Sullustan Bungo Bung, along with his droid co-pilot 42-RST. Captain Bung undertook several trips to the planet, transporting the popular food item, Bantha Breakfast Biscuits, aboard his starship, the Chubby Gundark. He realized that numerous worlds lacked access to this particular snack. By importing them from the planet Sullust, Bung managed to accumulate several hundred thousand credits within a span of two weeks. However, neither the crew of the Chubby Gundark nor the Gastrulans were aware that specific preservatives used in the creation of Bantha Breakfast Biscuits had a negative reaction with Gastrula's atmospheric conditions. This interaction caused the Bantha Breakfast Biscuits to undergo a transformation into the Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit. This amoeboid creature was insatiably hungry, seeking to consume everything in its vicinity. At least one of these creatures evolved on Gastrula and commenced devouring everything it could locate.


The Gastrulans resided on Gastrula. They were a race of sentient gastropods with four arms and spotted, bulbous heads, characterized by eyestalks that protruded from both sides of their heads.

Behind the scenes

Jim Anderson conceived Gastrula for his comic strip, Bungo n' Rusti Get Carry-Out. This strip appeared in issue 11 of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, published by West End Games in the year 1996.

