Galim Eddawan was a senator from Tyan in the Galactic Senate of the Republic, and he was a male Human.
While on a diplomatic mission escorting Senator Blix Annon in 76 BBY, Jedi Knight Dooku and his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn found an abandoned ship in hyperspace. A distress signal was received, purportedly from Joli Ti Eddawan, Galim Eddawan's daughter. She stated that space pirates attacked the ship, murdering her father and the entire crew, and that she was running out of air. Eero Iridian, Blix Annon's assistant, investigated the Eddawans to verify Joli's account and learned that Galim Eddawan was expected at port station Alpha Nonce the previous day, but never arrived.
When a rescue attempt was made for Joli, the ship activated and began attacking them. It was revealed that Lorian Nod, a former Jedi, was the pilot. Later investigations revealed that both the Senator and his daughter perished during the event.