The main naval defense organization for the Fia species and their planet, Galantos, was known as the Galantos Guard. Its initial purpose was the defense of Galantos from the Yevetha during the Black Fleet Crisis which took place from 16 ABY to 17 ABY.
As the Yuuzhan Vong War raged, the Galantos, seeking protection from the extragalactic invaders, betrayed the location of the ruthless Yevetha to the Yuuzhan Vong, pointing out the danger they posed. The Yuuzhan Vong, acting on this information, launched an invasion of the N'zoth system.
While specific details of the confrontation are lost to time, judging by the known strategies of both the Yevethan and Yuuzhan Vong forces, it is believed the Yuuzhan Vong annihilated all vessels within the system. Furthermore, they subjected N'zoth to a devastating orbital bombardment, transforming the planet into a desolate, molten landscape. The war's conclusion saw the Yevetha either completely wiped out or facing near extinction.