G'hinji Dros was a male Em'liy who held the position of Eldest within the Argwin caste on Shalyvane during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Living in the city of Chinshassa, Dros managed to survive the Imperial obliteration of his city in 0 ABY, escaping with many others of his people to live a wandering existence among the ruins. Because he was a respected elder, Dros was chosen to speak with Rebel operatives Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca when they came to Chinshassa in 3 ABY, as they were investigating the past of Imperial double agent Shira Brie.

As a native Em'liy from the city of Chinshassa on the planet Shalyvane, G'hinji Dros became involved in the conflicts between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance in 3 ABY. Already advanced in years by the time of the Galactic Civil War, Dros was known as the Eldest of the Argwin caste. Dros had been living in a modern, thriving city until Imperial forces suddenly destroyed Chinshassa in 0 ABY. This destruction was a cover for an Imperial agent named Shira Brie, who pretended to be a Human survivor of Em'liy aggression to infiltrate the Rebels. Her mission was to either kill or discredit the Rebel hero Luke Skywalker. From that moment forward, Dros and his clan lived as nomads, eking out a living in the ruins of their former home. Brie eventually succeeded during Operation Earplug, when Skywalker mistakenly shot her down in what appeared to be friendly fire, causing Skywalker to become an outcast. Unable to understand why the Force had led him to attack Brie, Skywalker journeyed to Chinshassa to learn about Brie's history.
It was there that Dros encountered Skywalker and his Wookiee companion. Because the Em'liy had some knowledge of Basic, Dros was tasked with testing the visitors through a traditional Em'liy "trial by ordeal" before deciding whether to let them live. Upon their arrival, a group of Em'liy warriors charged and forced Skywalker and Chewbacca into a ruined building where Dros was hiding, and where he initiated contact. Skywalker impressed Dros by using the Force to discover a unique solution to the trial by ordeal, which persuaded the Em'liy to introduce the Rebels to the rest of their people and grant Skywalker's request to visit the Circle of Kavaan, an Em'liy sacred site where Skywalker had previously seen Brie performing a strange ritual. At the Circle, Skywalker discovered a hidden hologram from the Sith Lord Darth Vader that revealed Brie's status as an Imperial agent, which spurred the Rebels to launch a broader investigation.
G'hinji Dros, an Em'liy with a good nature and a strong sense of humor, was already old during the Galactic Civil War. He spoke Basic well enough to be the Em'liy's representative to their Rebel visitors. Dros was a devout believer in the Em'liy gods, but he was impressed by Luke Skywalker's use of the Force. To Dros, this simply meant that Skywalker had powerful gods of his own.
G'hinji Dros made his first appearance in Star Wars (1977) 62, written by David Michelinie and published in 1982. Originally known only as "G'hinji," the character's last name was later provided in a Star Wars Gamer article by Rich Handley and Joseph Bongiorno in 2000. During his appearances in the comics, Dros was illustrated by Walter Simonson and Tom Palmer.