Fyefee Tiis, hailing from the Iktotchi species, was a General within the Grand Army of the Republic, serving as a male during the initial phases of the Clone Wars.
Approximately around 22 BBY, Chancellor Palpatine gave Tiis the responsibility of commanding the supply forces deployed to the planet of Cartao. In the course of the Battle of Cartao, Tiis took charge of the Republic Cruiser named Whipsaw, which had been modified. Under Tiis' command, the Whipsaw successfully took out the droid control ship positioned over Cartao. This action afforded the forces of the Galactic Republic a temporary break before the Separatists' mobile droid control unit became active. Nevertheless, despite the Republic's near-victory, the droids reactivated unexpectedly. The separatists had clearly learned from the Battle of Naboo, and the control ship had developed independent units and the Republic suffered heavy losses. Fyefee, together with the majority of the supply troops, were killed.