The Frong were a sentient species originating from a planet bearing their name. Possessing strong familial bonds and a clan-based social structure, the Frong did not have much influence in the galaxy. In the time period preceding the Battle of Jakku, they sought protection from entities like the New Republic and criminal syndicates including Black Sun and the Red Key Raiders.
Frong physiology included facial tubules that exhibited trembling and twitching when under stress, and curled inward when experiencing fear. Key features included large, shiny black eyes, and elongated, blue forearms covered in contractile suckers. Members of this species were capable of communicating using Galactic Basic Standard.
The Frong's place of origin was the planet Frong, situated within a remote star system that orbited a faint star located in the Outer Rim Territories. This species was characterized by its isolationist tendencies and clan-based organization, maintaining close-knit relationships often through consanguineous unions. Concepts such as shame and exile were well known within Frong society.
The Frong had limited resources to offer the wider galaxy, primarily fruit, spice, and potable water. Lacking a dedicated navy or defense force, the species relied on governments like the New Republic for safeguarding.
During the era of the High Republic Era, a Frong individual named Xanaven held the position of Tempest Runner within the Nihil organization.
Senator Rethalow served as the representative for his homeworld in the Galactic Senate of the New Republic in the time leading up to the Battle of Jakku. In an effort to protect his people, he engaged in a trade agreement with Black Sun and the Red Key Raiders, exchanging his vote on the decision to engage the Galactic Empire at Jakku. Jom Barell abducted him from a deprivation chamber located in Quarrow's poma-club, and he was subsequently interrogated by Sinjir Rath Velus and his associates aboard the Millennium Falcon.