Friends of the Republic

The Friends of the Republic comprised a group of people who were committed to upholding the principles of the Galactic Republic. Many felt that these ideals were eroding in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

Alderaanian Negotiations with Chandrila

A year before the First Battle of Geonosis, Senator Bail Organa was approached by the Friends of the Republic, concerning negotiations between the government of Alderaan and Chandrila. These negotiations were for a collaborative mining operation on Aridus. His wife, Breha Antilles Organa, had connections to the Corporate Sector through her family. Some of these connections were involved in the project, which seemed destined for success. However, the information shared by the Friends of the Republic played a crucial role in preventing a diplomatic and humanitarian crisis. This crisis would have affected not only Alderaan and Chandrila but also the wider Republic.

The political importance of the subsequent negotiations meant that even the Jedi Order remained unaware of the events.

Mission to Zigoola

During the Clone Wars, the Friends of the Republic contacted Senator Bail Organa, alerting him to a potential Sith attack on the Jedi Order and the existence of a dangerous temple on Zigoola. Organa, using Senator Padmé Amidala as an intermediary, used the information to contact Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan accompanied the Senator on a difficult mission, which resulted in the temple's destruction and the elimination of all the Sith artifacts within.

Contact and Communication

To maintain their secrecy, the Friends of the Republic used a sophisticated and careful system for communicating with their contacts. Each contact was given a small comlink, which they were required to carry with them at all times. When the Friends needed to contact someone with a comlink, they would simply use the device to reach them. The message was transmitted through a well-used datareader that had been internally modified with advanced communication technology. The message was then processed by the datareader, and the recipient would use a memorized code to decipher the transmission.

