The Freebooter, a starship, was the second vessel that Devon Fuller, a smuggler, captained while he was allied with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. After Imperial forces destroyed his earlier freighter, the Croc of Gold, during a confrontation above Tashtor Seneca, Fuller came to own the Freebooter. The Freebooter met a similar end before the destruction of the second Death Star in 4 ABY: an attacking Star Destroyer obliterated it when it assaulted the Ansarra Rebel base. Fuller survived the Freebooter's demise, and the Alliance provided him with The Solar Flair, a Class 720 freighter manufactured by Ghtroc Industries, enabling him to persist in his service to them.
Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, a 1993 reference book by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, included a mention of the Freebooter.