Form II

Form II, also called Makashi (pronounced Muh-KAA-shye), represents the second style of lightsaber combat conceived by the Jedi Order. This combat style, characterized by a blend of aggression and elegance, evolved into a specialized approach for duels against Sith adversaries. Makashi prioritized precise and measured strikes over brute force. Count Dooku excelled in this form, instructing the Sith assassin Asajj Ventress in its application, although her execution lacked the refinement of her mentor. The Grand Inquisitor and Third Sister were also skilled in Form II. Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was another adept of the style, imparting its principles to fellow Jedi at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Crossguard lightsabers were once frequently seen with Makashi users, many of whom participated in the Great Scourge of Malachor.


The second lightsaber form, Makashi, emerged specifically as a response to the rise of lightsaber-wielding opponents: namely, the Sith. The techniques inherent in Shii-Cho, which were rooted in conventional blade-to-blade combat, did not adequately address the unique dynamics of lightsaber-on-lightsaber engagements. The "edge" of a lightsaber beam, capable of cutting in any direction, and its lack of physical mass, provided new offensive opportunities that the parries and defensive maneuvers of Shii-Cho could not effectively neutralize. Despite its more aggressive posture, Form II strategically exploited these same qualities for defensive advantage. Once established, it served as the standard style for lightsaber duelists until the end of the Jedi Order.

Before the Sith appeared, the Jedi had never encountered adversaries who were truly their equals. These new enemies mirrored the Jedi in every aspect, from their use of lightsabers to their command of the Force. Indeed, the initial Sith were former Jedi who possessed comprehensive knowledge of Jedi practices, including Shii-Cho techniques. Both sides in the conflict that would become the Hundred-Year Darkness quickly realized that their existing methods were insufficient for defending against lightsaber-wielding foes. Early duels between Jedi and Sith were often brief, and the initial casualty rate in the war was alarmingly high.

Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was proficient in Form II.

In their struggle, both the Jedi and the Sith sought every possible advantage, leading combatants to experiment with the use of a second lightsaber. Shii-Cho's techniques were entirely unsuitable for wielding two lightsabers, and Jedi had previously fought only with a single blade. Even as Makashi began to take shape, duelists found that wielding dual lightsabers was awkward and impractical for the precise movements required. This led to the creation of the first shotos, which some early Makashi practitioners used as off-hand weapons, a practice that continued throughout the age of the Republic. Even on battlefields where numerous Jedi and Sith clashed, most warriors concentrated on engaging a single opponent at a time. These lightsaber duels arose organically as combatants sought to engage each other on equal footing, or else they were quickly overwhelmed. The prevalence of duels was another unique aspect of this unprecedented conflict, and the lessons learned by the Jedi shaped Form II.

Unlike Shii-Cho, which prepared warriors to face multiple opponents, Makashi primarily focused on single combat. While Form II's aggressive stance made it well-suited for facing the Sith, its defensive maneuvers reflected its core identity as a one-on-one style. Of course, duelists might still have been required to face multiple enemies, and therefore they must have practiced other techniques. Many Jedi considered Makashi to be the most refined and elegant form of lightsaber combat. In contrast to the sweeping motions of Shii-Cho, Form II demanded unwavering precision in every movement. This stemmed from the form's origins, where the stakes were incredibly high and a single mistake could result in instant death by a lightsaber. Consequently, Makashi heavily emphasized techniques for avoiding disarming, while simultaneously disarming one's opponent. Following the defeat of the Sith at Ruusan, Form II declined in popularity and was gradually relegated to a mere training exercise.

Makashi in practice

Despite its aggression, Form II presented a graceful, almost balletic approach to lightsaber combat. For many observers, including Jedi in training, this elegance was the defining characteristic of Makashi, even surpassing its effectiveness. This reflected the emphasis that many Makashi practitioners placed on the psychological and interpersonal elements of a duel. Unlike other forms of combat, a duel represented a highly personal, almost intimate, interaction. Understanding one's opponent was crucial, as was concealing one's own intentions. For a master of Form II, projecting the appropriate image and attitude could be as important as any feint with the blade. Consequently, of all the forms, Makashi most readily accommodated and encouraged personalization, as a unique flair and style were essential for mastering an opponent's perception.

Mainly a practitioner of the defensive Form III, Luminara Unduli (pictured) would adopt a Form II stance in certain duels, opening herself up to more attacks in the name of adopting the anti-Sith form.

As part of this psychological battle, Form II duelists would carefully and continuously probe their opponent's defenses – both mental and physical – searching for an opening to deliver a potentially decisive blow. This approach contrasted with the barrage of powerful attacks characteristic of Shii-Cho. In another departure from the first lightsaber form, Makashi emphasized retreat as much as advance; practitioners continuously engaged and disengaged from their opponent in response to the intensity of the foe's offense. While primarily comfortable using the defense-oriented Form III, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli would sometimes adopt Form II in duels against enemies like the Sith. However, in using Form II, she made herself more vulnerable to attacks.

