Force Kick was a Force power that allowed a Force user to execute a kick aimed at an opponent, disrupting their actions from a distance through the power of the Force. Certain Jedi Knights demonstrated proficiency in this technique. Notably, Luke Skywalker employed this ability during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, targeting one of Jabba the Hutt's henchmen.
The initial appearance of the "Force kick" occurred within Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. In the movie, Mark Hamill, portraying Luke Skywalker, delivers a kick to the head of one of Jabba the Hutt's henchmen, resulting in the henchman's fall into the sarlacc pit. Simultaneously, Boba Fett is seen flying by in the background, seemingly helpless.
A noticeable choreography error arises from the stuntman's delayed reaction to the kick's impact, occurring after Hamill has already lowered his leg. Additionally, a filming "flaw" involves the camera angle, which makes it apparent that the kick did not actually connect with the stuntman. This sequence gained the moniker "Force kick," playfully suggesting that Luke utilized Force telekinesis to propel the henchman into the sarlacc pit, rather than the physical force of the kick.
The Force kick received a mention, albeit humorously, in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel. Furthermore, it is featured as a Jedi Knight ability within Star Wars: The Old Republic.