Force Enclave

The Force Enclave, established around 3631 BBY, represented a division within the Eternal Alliance. Its purpose was to educate Force-sensitive people in the use of the Force. However, the training diverged from traditional Jedi or Sith methods, instead focusing on developing neutral practitioners who connected directly with the Force, independent of Jedi or Sith ideologies. Furthermore, recruits were expected to explore both light and dark aspects of the Force to attain complete equilibrium.

Sana-Rae, the enclave's leader, advocated for a state of ideal balance and harmony between the Force's opposing natures. Consequently, she integrated both Jedi and Sith doctrines into a unified educational framework. Aligning with this vision, she also drew numerous Voss to the enclave to undergo training alongside her. Sana-Rae sought assistance from the Commander to grow the enclave and gather various artifacts and relics that could aid in their learning.

Following Valkorion's final defeat, the enclave was tasked with watching for any lingering traces of Valkorion, a measure that Sana-Rae considered sensible.

