Force Command Two

Force Command Two was a component of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, exhibiting allegiance to the Royal House which governed the planet of Naboo. During the year 32 BBY, Naboo faced an invasion orchestrated by the Trade Federation, utilizing its Droid Army. Shortly after the company arrived on Naboo, a trio of troopers from Force Command Two engaged in combat with a pair of B1-series battle droids and successfully absconded with one of five droid control programs dispatched to Naboo to ensure the army's operational status. This program was subsequently transported to a research facility situated near the city of Harte Secur, where it was employed to neutralize a segment of the Droid Army under the command of the battle droid known as OOM-14. Subsequently, Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray issued an order to the droid OOM-9, tasking it with retrieving the program, an objective it completed without delay.

Behind the scenes

The Naboo's act of stealing the droid control program was initially documented within the Prima Games strategy guide created for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released in 2001. Within the game itself, Force Command Two was identified as the group responsible through Aurebesh text displayed in the cutscene accompanying the second level of the Trade Federation campaign, which was titled "Behind the lines."

