First Impressions (comic story)

"First Impressions" is a story presented in comic form, found in Star Wars Tales 15 and also included in the collection Star Wars Tales Volume 4.

Plot summary

Senator Bail Prestor Organa is preparing to pass on his Senate position to Leia Organa, and as such, he takes her to Coruscant for her initial visit. Her father permits her to explore the city accompanied by two guards. Initially fascinated by the sights, Leia then observes a Caamasi being taken into custody by a pair of stormtroopers for the simple act of attempting to purchase a beverage at a cafe. Upon her attempt to intervene on the Caamasi's behalf, the stormtroopers threaten to arrest her too.

Upon their return to the apartment, Leia expresses her anger to Bail, declaring her intention to raise the issue with Palpatine during their meeting at a reception held at the Imperial Palace that evening. Bail attempts to discourage her, explaining that such an action at this time could endanger Alderaan, while once she becomes a senator, she will possess the necessary influence and authority to effect change. Leia remains resolute in her decision.

At the Palace, Leia is disgusted by the obsequious and flattering behavior displayed by everyone towards the Emperor, which only strengthens her determination to confront him about the incident. However, when they finally come face to face, Leia is overwhelmed by the palpable evil emanating from him, rendering her incapable of doing more than offering a mumbled thank you for his compliments, all while Darth Vader observes.

Following the reception, Bail reassures Leia that there is no shame in her reaction, as it is a typical response to encountering Palpatine, especially for the first time, and that achieving change requires a subtle approach. He expresses his pride in her and shares some positive news – he has arranged for the release of the Caamasi she witnessed being arrested. Overjoyed, Leia goes to meet the Caamasi, and the narrative concludes with him introducing himself as Eg'ros Akala.

