First Guard

The First Guard functioned as a bodyguard for the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke. This individual was a member of the Elite Praetorian Guard. This warrior, who was clad in segmented plate armor, favored melee combat, wielding an electro-bisento instead of ranged weaponry. The First Guard met their end (killed) on the Supremacy when Kylo Ren, Snoke's apprentice in the dark side, betrayed his master with assistance from Rey, who was also Force-sensitive. Together, they triumphed over all the Praetorian Guards within Snoke's throne room.


The First Guard belonged to the Elite Praetorian Guard, a group of crimson warriors who served as the personal protectors of Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Equipped with an electro-bisento, the First Guard was stationed alongside the other Praetorian Guards in Snoke's throne room at the time of Kylo Ren's meeting with the Supreme Leader in 34 ABY. Upset by Snoke's disapproval of his defeat at Starkiller Base, the Master of the Knights of Ren moved towards his master, prompting the First Guard and the other guards to adopt a combat stance against the dark apprentice.

Kylo Ren and a Praetorian Guard duel

When Ren returned to the throne room with the Jedi learner Rey as his prisoner, the First Guard remained present. However, instead of executing the former scavenger as Snoke commanded, Ren chose to assassinate his master, leading to a confrontation between the two Force-sensitives and the Praetorian Guards. Like the other Praetorians, the First Guard sought to avenge the fallen Supreme Leader, engaging the treacherous apprentice and Rey. After several guards were defeated, only the First Guard and another guard with an electro-bisento remained to fight Ren. The Knight of Ren seized one of their bisentos and defended himself against the other guard using both his lightsaber and the electro-bisento. The remaining guard then tried to battle Ren with their armored fists, managing to parry Ren's lightsaber, but was then stabbed in the back with their own stolen electro-bisento and forced to the ground by Ren, who then turned his lightsaber and impaled them in the neck with one of the smaller blades protruding from the sides. The other guard then managed to wrap their bisento around Kylo Ren's neck. Rey, noticing his peril, threw her lightsaber to him, which he then quickly ignited, piercing through the Guard's head and killing them instantly.

Personality and traits

As Snoke's ultimate defense, the First Guard was one of eight elite sentinels responsible for the Supreme Leader's safety. Like the others in the Praetorian Guard, the First Guard wore a suit of armor that caused pain to the wearer, but they endured it due to their unwavering dedication and loyalty to the First Order's leader. A deadly and constantly alert sentry, the First Guard immediately assumed a combat stance when Ren moved towards Snoke, unable to restrain his rising anger. Despite being signaled by Snoke to stand down, the guard remained wary and suspicious of the Supreme Leader's apprentice.

The First Guard's fighting style, as one of Snoke's protectors, incorporated a variety of martial arts, including Teräs Käsi, Bakuuni Hand, Echani unarmed forms, and Nar Kanji "Blind Alley" techniques. Following Snoke's demise, the First Guard, along with the other Praetorians, chose to die attempting to avenge the Supreme Leader rather than pledging allegiance to his killer.


As a member of the Elite Praetorian Guard, the First Guard wore a striking red uniform that intentionally mirrored the Royal Guard of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Unlike the Emperor's guards, the First Guard's combat armor was not hampered by ceremonial robes. The segmented plate armor, designed for flexibility, also featured large pauldrons to deflect downward melee attacks. Eschewing ranged weapons, the First Guard carried an electro-bisento, a sophisticated melee weapon with a hardened metal blade connected to an ultrasonic generator for enhanced killing power.

Behind the scenes

The First Guard, along with the rest of the Elite Praetorian Guard, made their debut in the sequel trilogy's 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, directed by Rian Johnson. Their identification was first established in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary.

