
The fireworm, also called a lava dragon, was a type of fire serpent indigenous to Eol Sha, where it made its home in pools of lava. Crystalline scales provided a protective layer from the lava's heat; lacking this safeguard, the creature was exceedingly susceptible to the harsh environment.

Its physical characteristics included a triangular head, distinguished by pointed ear tufts and prominent bony ridges above the eyes. Specialized insulated air bladders enabled the lava dragon to control its buoyancy, allowing it to ascend or descend within the lava. The diet of lava dragons consisted of other reptilian inhabitants of the lava pools.

As a natural defense, lava dragons possessed the ability to ingest lava through their heavily armored throats and subsequently expel it as a dangerous projectile. Furthermore, their crystalline scales offered such resistance that a lightsaber could not penetrate them, although a strike would cause the impacted scale to shatter. In 11 ABY, Luke Skywalker engaged in combat with, and ultimately defeated, a lava dragon on Eol Sha. This encounter served as the second trial imposed by Gantoris that Luke was required to overcome in order to secure Gantoris' agreement to undergo Jedi training.

JASB3 Luke battling a fireworm

