This particular style of protective gear offered protection from damage, including the impact of blaster weaponry.
Armor refers to protective coverings worn on the body, specifically engineered to shield both living beings and vehicles from the dangers of weapons and other combat-related threats. A multitude of soldiers, bounty hunters, and guards utilized it, in addition to the natural protective layers that certain species developed through evolution.

Across the galaxy, the battle armor donned by the ancient warrior clans of Mandalore was both well-known and feared. Beskar was the primary material utilized in the construction of this armor. Their helmets were distinguished by a unique T-shaped visor design. During the Clone Wars era, a new Mandalorian faction known as Death Watch embraced the armor and warrior culture of the ancient Mandalorians. The Death Watch's armor was characterized by its blue and grey color scheme, often accompanied by a jetpack equipped with a built-in, single-shot missile launcher. Later on, Mandalorian super commandos who pledged their allegiance to Maul sported red and black armor. Some even customized their helmets with horns as a tribute to their leader.
The bounty hunter known as Jango Fett wore Mandalorian armor that had been enhanced with a variety of specialized equipment, including wrist blades, a jetpack, and a wrist-mounted flamethrower. His clone and adopted son, Boba Fett, inherited this armor, further modifying it with an array of weaponry, such as a flamethrower gauntlet, a whipcord launcher, and concealed rocket-dart launchers integrated into his kneepads.

The clone troopers serving the Galactic Republic wore full-body armor constructed from plastoid materials. Predominantly white, their armor sometimes featured added colors and markings to signify rank or specific roles. The helmets of trooper clones could also be equipped with two miniature flashlights on each side, providing forward-facing illumination in dimly lit environments. Clone commandos utilized armor that closely resembled the standard clone trooper armor. Certain clones were outfitted with armor designed for underwater combat, and these troopers were deployed during the civil conflict on Mon Calamari.

The stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire were also equipped with full white body armor. Their armor incorporated a diverse range of equipment, enabling them to endure and function effectively in virtually any environment. Specialized stormtrooper units, like scout troopers and snowtroopers, wore armor tailored to suit their specific operational environments. Death troopers, a stormtrooper variant specializing in stealth, espionage, and lethal combat, wore black armor and helmets enhanced with voice scramblers and advanced sensor technology. The stormtroopers of the First Order also utilized white armor, which was manufactured by the First Order Department of Military Research.
Besides soldiers and bounty hunters, armor was also worn by official guards and law enforcement personnel. The Senate Guards and Senate Commandos, tasked with safeguarding the Galactic Senate, wore distinctive blue armor. The Onderon guards, responsible for protecting the royal family on Onderon, wore grey armor and helmets. The Mandalorian Guards, an elite group of bodyguards dedicated to protecting Duchess Satine Kryze, wore body armor that included a helmet and a large shield. The Coruscant underworld police wore armor constructed from leather and metal. The mechanical eyes that protruded from their helmets led many to speculate whether they were droids, humanoids, or something in between.

Darth Vader was one individual who relied on armor as a form of life support. Following a fierce battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi, Vader sustained severe injuries and burns. He was subsequently rebuilt with cybernetic limbs and a menacing suit of black armor, which he was compelled to wear for the remainder of his existence. This armor sustained his life through the integration of mechanical lungs, which emitted an ominous sound with each breath he took.
Jedi donned armor, notably during periods of warfare such as the Clone War. At some juncture during the High Republic era, the Jedi Avar Kriss was seen wearing complete armor, sans helmet. Aside from Vader's armor, the Sith Order also utilized armor, including the Ancient Sith Armor, a type of gear donned by the legendary Sith Lord Darth Bane. The Sith armor, bearing a simple name, also existed within the galaxy.
Certain species possessed naturally thick hides or scales, granting them inherent protection. This was evident in exceptionally large creatures like the rancor, whose armored skin could repel blaster bolts. The immense Zillo Beast had scales of such resilience that they could even deflect a [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber]. The attributes of one such member of this rare species captivated Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, who was intensely interested in further examination. He relentlessly pursued experiments on the creature, hoping to uncover a new form of robust armor for the Galactic Republic's troops, starships, and vehicles.
The term "armor" could also apply to the protective plating of a vehicle or the armored hull of a starship. Generally, vehicles and starships designed for combat were reinforced with the most substantial armor available.

Vehicles with heavy armor included the AAT battle tank, a floating armored assault vehicle. The Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) was a large, armored vehicle capable of transporting and deploying over a hundred battle droids. The AT-TE walker, comprising two armored halves, was the largest battle tank in the Grand Army of the Republic. Its armor was resistant to small-arms fire, necessitating the use of heavier weaponry, such as tanksmasher rockets, to penetrate it. The massive All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) used by Imperial ground forces possessed armor plating impervious to blaster fire. The mobile heavy cannon walker tank employed by the Umbaran soldiers had armor that could withstand even heavy weapons, including anti-armor infantry rockets. During the Battle of Umbara, the attacking clone troopers discovered that the only means of destroying these massive tanks was to utilize advanced Umbaran weapons against them, which they achieved by commandeering Zenuas 33 Umbaran starfighters.
Among the heavily armored starships was the Republic attack cruiser, one of the Republic's most formidable capital ships. The Trident-class assault ship was an unconventional combat vessel. It was equipped with a powerful drill specifically engineered to breach the armored hulls of starships or bunkers, facilitating the deployment of a boarding party.
Heavily armored starfighters included the HH-87 Starhopper, a fighter utilized by the Hutts. The BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber possessed a robust combination of shields and armor, enabling it to conduct attack runs on the Death Star.