The JS-77B interstellar shuttle, a product of the Sublight Products Corporation, was a highly sought-after and adaptable spacecraft.
Despite possessing a hyperdrive, it lacked an integrated navigation computer. Instead, its operation depended on internal computers capable of retaining navigational computations for a range of 10 to 20 jumps; these calculations required constant updating from an external navigation computer. Primarily intended for corporate use, the shuttle accommodated as many as six passengers on shorter journeys, though this capacity typically decreased to four individuals for trips exceeding 24 hours. Vessels of this type were frequently observed in the Radra system.
Entry to the shuttle was facilitated via its front ramp, with the command module (A on the deck plan) being distinct from the passenger area and incorporating a gun emplacement. The passenger compartment (B on the deck plan) featured a two-bunk crew cabin at the front, alongside an adjacent galley/utility space. Further back, two additional bunks were present, partially separated by a privacy screen. Behind this section were located the refresher, a storage space for a vacuum suit, and an airlock (C on the deck plan). The cargo bay hatch (E on the deck plan), situated directly opposite the ramp hatch, enabled straightforward cargo loading.
- " Team Recovery " — Challenge 35 (Unlicensed)