Sparkle seed

The Gonster holds a jar of sparkle seeds. Sparkle seed represented a unique variety of seed possessing extraordinary capabilities. A Gonster hailing from the Twin Hills employed sparkle seeds as a power source for the magic cap, a specific garment designed to counteract the Raich. The sparkle seeds, when sprinkled onto the hat, would trigger the cap's inherent abilities. Subsequently, the cap could be positioned atop the Raich's head, effectively transforming and confining it as a tree.

On one occasion, the Ewoks named Teebo and Latara acquired sparkle seeds from the Gonster amidst the Raich's temporary return. During the climactic confrontation with the aforementioned creature, Teebo managed to deposit a cluster of the seeds onto the cap just moments before Wicket Wystri Warrick situated it upon the Raich's head. The supplementary addition of the seeds successfully halted the Raich and reverted it to its prior state as a benign tree.

