A Hovercart on Utapau
Repulsorcarts, alternatively known as hovercarts, represented a specific category of repulsorlift vehicles, engineered for animal-assisted locomotion. In the era of the High Republic Era, during the kidnapped of the Blythe family from Elphrona by Nihil pirates, the pirates' landspeeder was destroyed during the initial assault. This necessitated the theft of the Blythe family's repulsorcart, along with five steelees to serve as their mode of conveyance. A pair of these creatures were then tasked with the responsibility of pulling the cart.
During the timeline of the Clone Wars, Sugi arms dealers employed hovercarts on Utapau. Furthermore, Anakin Skywalker in conjunction with Obi-Wan Kenobi, commandeered one of these vehicles to facilitate the transportation of a substantial Kyber crystal across the planet's open terrain.
In the time of the Gorse Conflict, [Kanan Jarrus](/article/kanan_jarrus], a former Jedi Padawan, utilized a hovercart to offload a consignment of baradium-357 from his freighter, known as the Expedient, on the moon of Cynda. This very same hovercart was then repurposed to facilitate the evacuation of Yelkin, a wounded miner, subsequent to the discovery of an illicit test bomb situated within Zone Forty-Two. Harnessing his abilities with the Force, Kanan successfully propelled Yelkin to a secure location aboard the hovercart, concurrently mitigating the impact of the hovercart's landing. Subsequently, Kanan, alongside his rebel comrades Hera Syndulla, Skelly, and Zaluna Myder, made use of a hovercraft to navigate through the headquarters of Count Denetrius Vidian, referred to as the Calcoraan Depot, with the objective of reaching his personal chambers.