Raventhorn plant

Raventhorn plant Raventhorn plants pictured on Yavin 4. A sharp, thorny vine known as the raventhorn plant originated on Yavin 4. It is characterized by its red petals and thorns. Similar to clawthorns, this plant thrived in the many mountainous and rocky areas of Yavin 4. It was also the subject of Klepa Laeel's artwork, titled Raventhorn Plant.

Defining Traits

The defining feature of the raven-thorn was the presence of sharp spikes that grew along its branches. If a person were unlucky enough to come into contact with a raven-thorn, they would often sustain lacerated wounds, as these spikes were incredibly sharp and could easily penetrate clothing and skin.

Production Notes

Concept art for Star Wars Galaxies.

Within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, raventhorn plants are present on the slopes of several mountains. The painting "Painting of a Raventhorn Plant," which can be found in the game, revealed the plant's name.

