Radiation zone assault trooper

Radiation zone assault troopers, alternatively referred to as radiation zone assault stormtroopers, radiation troopers, or simply radtroopers, represented a highly specialized branch of stormtroopers specifically outfitted for operations within intensely radiation-contaminated environments. While spacetrooper suits offered substantial radiation protection, their bulkiness hindered maneuverability within planetary gravitational fields.


The distinctive silver and black battle dress of the radiation zone assault troopers was a specialized adaptation of the standard plastoid stormtrooper armor, delivering protection not only against radiation but also against biological and chemical hazards. The armor featured stress reinforcement along with a heat and radiation-reflective coating.

Radtroopers deployed to Qat Chrystac.

A lead-polymer substrate provided the necessary shielding to endure lethal Grade 5 radiation zones for extended periods. The suit also incorporated a self-contained, wraparound backpack unit that housed a heat and radiation cooling system with its energy source, as well as a portable environmental control unit.

Their helmets were structurally reinforced and featured automatic polarizing lenses, an integrated comlink, and specialized breathing filters. The visor incorporated macrobinoculars equipped with a blast shield and UV sensors. Beneath the armor, troopers wore a two-piece black body glove that offered temperature regulation and radiation sealing.

The armor's design is attributed to Dr. Nashiak Llalik.

Radiation levels exceeding Grade 4 consistently caused malfunctions in most energy-based weaponry. Consequently, radtroopers were issued blaster carbines with enhanced power compared to standard stormtrooper weapons to counteract these effects. Unlike the majority of Imperial combat units, radtroopers also underwent extensive training in melee combat, enabling them to transition to close-quarters weaponry when their blasters failed.

All radtroopers received training in the deployment of explosives and grenades. Typically, selected members of radtrooper heavy assault teams were equipped with three satchels (each containing 10 charges) and an array of radiation-resistant timers. Thermal detonators were avoided due to their inherent instability being exacerbated by intense radiation.

In addition to the standard stormtrooper utility belt, radtroopers were supplied with a survival kit encompassing radiation pills, detoxification injectors, a water purification device, a radiation detection meter, and a radiation-shielding tent.

Radtroopers were typically issued with:


Radtrooper armor.

Radiation zone assault troopers were deployed into radiation-contaminated zones that contained assets of interest to the Empire, either for acquisition or defense. While some of these areas possessed naturally hazardous environments, in other instances, the Empire deliberately irradiated the environment to suppress resistance. The Empire was known to utilize neutron bombs, which inflicted widespread death and injury on the local populace while preserving the infrastructure.

Following a neutron bomb attack, radtroopers would enter the affected areas to eliminate any remaining survivors and secure assets before the radiation levels subsided. Resistance was often minimal, but certain species within the galaxy exhibited radiation immunity and mounted significant opposition. Others relied on cumbersome spacesuits for protection, which severely hampered their combat effectiveness compared to the lightweight radtrooper armor. Consequently, engagements with radtroopers often resulted in high casualty rates for the opposing forces.

Radtroopers, alongside representatives from every specialized Stormtrooper Corps, were assigned to Darth Vader's personal Death Squadron.

The deployment of radtrooper armor also contributed to at least one victory over the Rebel Alliance, most notably during the Battle of Immalia. In this instance, Imperial troops donned radtrooper armor, leading the rebels to retreat out of fear of operating in a contaminated zone, when, in reality, the armor was simply what was available at the base. General Carlist Rieekan later lamented that they relinquished the ground needlessly, a point he emphasized in the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide field manual.

