The four golden statues
On the planet of Naboo, within the Gungan Caves, resided four holy figures. These were of great religious importance to the Gungans, an amphibious race of sentients.
At some point following 32 BBY, Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, dispatched a young Jedi recruit on an assignment to retrieve these statues. Having located the jeweled keys within the cave complex, the youngling was able to successfully open the doors and recover the statues.
Daniel Wallace stated that the unreleased book, The Essential Guide to Episode I, would have provided an explanation for the statues' origin. One entry would have revealed that the Gungan deity Nododo, a trickster, could "only appear in physical form as an opee sea killer, a kaadu, a peko peko, or a shaak." This would have been consistent with the beliefs of Gungan pantheism.