Reworded MDX Example
This is an example MDX document. We will reword it heavily, but the meaning will remain the same.
Here is some bold text. And here is some italic text.
Here is a link to Google.
function helloWorld() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
Here is an image:

And here is a list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
title: "MDX Example, Now With Different Words"
description: "A demonstration MDX file, significantly altered in wording."
# MDX Example, Expressed Differently
This MDX file serves as a demonstration. We are going to rewrite it substantially, ensuring the original meaning is kept intact.
Observe this **strongly emphasized text**. And also, take note of this *text that is italicized*.
Here's a [connection to the Google website](
function greetTheWorld() {"Hello, world!");
Behold, an image:

And now, a bulleted enumeration:
- The first item
- The second item
- The third item