Facility 301G, situated within Corellia's Santhe Shipyards, was an industrial complex located on the planetary body. Morgan Elsbeth, an industrialist, held ownership and utilized it for the production and restoration of Imperial capital vessel hyperdrive cores. Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, control of the facility was transferred to the New Republic under the supervision of Regional Supervisor Myn Weaver.
In the year 9 ABY, Elsbeth commissioned the shipyards to covertly construct the hyperdrive intended for the extragalactic spacecraft prototype known as Eye of Sion. Her intention was to employ it in the rescue of Grand Admiral Thrawn from his banishment in the distant galaxy. Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, and Hera Syndulla, a General in the New Republic, uncovered the shipyard's clandestine presence of Imperial loyalists during an investigation into Elsbeth's undertakings. This discovery led to the New Republic army's arrest of Weaver and his personnel.

Situated by the coast within Coronet City's Santhe Shipyards, Facility 301G was a sizable industrial building. It featured an open-air landing area for vehicles and a lengthy, enclosed depot where hyperdrive cores were assembled using unprocessed materials arranged in stacks. A broad passageway in the center of the production line facilitated the movement of personnel and staff throughout the facility, utilizing REV-2K personnel carrier vehicles, while substantial cranes spanned the ceiling.
A central control center, overseeing the landing area, managed the entire location. During the New Republic Era, the control room was staffed by both humans and protocol droids, with the former handling air traffic control responsibilities and the automatons supervising the production line and logistical operations. Several computer consoles were positioned beneath a large window facing the yard, while data storage and servers occupied the opposite side.

During the Imperial Era, Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth, a Nightsister magic user and one of Grand Admiral Thrawn's most trusted confidantes, operated numerous ship-producing complexes across the known universe, manufacturing vessels for the Imperial Navy. One such facility, situated on the world of Corellia, provided raw resources employed in the construction of hyperdrive generators for the Imperial-class Star Destroyers built in the planet's sky. Contractors devoted to Elsbeth, along with occasional Imperial zealots, comprised the facility's workforce. The "Corellian Infrastructure" section of the Imperial Archives also contained records of the site.

Following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War and the establishment of the New Republic, the shipyard, along with all Imperial military assets, was dismantled and reassigned to the new administration for redistribution. By 9 ABY, Regional Supervisor Myn Weaver was responsible for overseeing the facility's operations during its transition, despite the fact that the majority of the workers and administrative staff remained unchanged. During this phase, the facility was tasked with disassembling the hyperdrive cores still present and repurposing them for use on New Republic Defense Fleet ships. Surplus materials and obsolete equipment from the remaining starships were sold to the shipyard's affluent investors, with the proceeds allocated to New Republic reconstruction initiatives, among other endeavors. A board of directors, in addition to Weaver, oversaw the shipyards' commercial aspects and had the first opportunity to examine any unique hardware discovered within the ships, including their pricing and distribution. According to Weaver, the sale of a single Star Destroyer could finance multiple such operations.
Despite the New Republic's efforts to effectively manage the Imperial military assets that remained, the lack of skilled personnel meant that, at least initially, those of Elsbeth's Imperial workers judged to be of low risk and low value by New republic Intelligence staff were allowed to continue working in the shipyard under the process of de-Imperialization despite not having been vetted or loyal to the new government. Weaver believed that they only cared for their payment, and that they lacked focus for the nuances of galactic politics, so completely trusted them. This resulted in the development of a clandestine network of Imperial remnant operatives within the shipyards, including Elsbeth's own agents.

Around 9 ABY, Elsbeth, aided by former Jedi Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati, discovered a starmap detailing the Pathway to Peridea, an ancient route to a galaxy adjacent to the known galaxy. Believing that the Pathway led to the location where her former ally Thrawn was marooned following the Liberation of Lothal in 1 BBY, Elsbeth tasked Skoll and Hati with acquiring the map. She also secretly initiated the construction of an extragalactic transport vessel, the Eye of Sion, above the planet Seatos, which she believed to be the Path's starting point. To provide the vessel with sufficient power for the journey, Elsbeth instructed her agents within her former shipyards to procure and transport Super Star Destroyer hyperdrives to her, disguised as a classified New Republic Defence Force project. The shipyards successfully produced nine refurbished engine cores without detection, with Elsbeth's HK-87 assassin droids preventing the facility's protocol droids from scrutinizing the project.
Despite these measures, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano and New Republic General Hera Syndulla grew suspicious of Elsbeth's activities and visited Corellia to inspect the facility. During their tour, Syndulla noticed the tenth and final hyperdrive being loaded onto transport CT-O5 and questioned Weaver about its purpose, knowing that the Defense Fleet's starships did not require such immense power. Upon discovering the project's classified file, Syndulla asked droid C1-D1 about the authorization required to unseal it, only for the unit to reveal the presence of HK-87 droids in the facility, instructing them to avoid involvement with the project. Realizing the deception, Syndulla ordered the control center to ground CT-05, prompting the stationed spies to confront her.

Syndulla and Tano engaged the Imperials, who drew their firearms and fired upon them, resulting in casualties and injuries among the conspirators and several protocol droids. Syndulla then departed in her personally modified Sheathipede-class transport shuttle Phantom II, managing to reach CT-05 in time for her astromech droid "Chopper" to attach a tracking device to it. Simultaneously, Tano confronted Elsbeth's forces on the ground, including the former Inquisitor Marrok and several HK-87 units.
Despite destroying the droids and wounding Marrok, Tano was prevented from reaching the vehicle and was compelled to withdraw. Following the conflict, New Republic army soldiers arrived at the facility and apprehended the remaining Imperial sympathizers, including Manager Weaver.
Historian Beaumont Kin referenced the facility in his post-war publication The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, released in 35 ABY, describing the New Republic's failure to detect Elsbeth's forces within it as "one of the most serious examples of Imperial-driven sabotage."

Facility 301G made its debut in Part Two: Toil and Trouble, the second episode of the Ahsoka TV series' initial season, which was broadcast on August 22, 2023 via Disney+. The book Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire by Dr. Chris Kempshall, published in 2024, identified it as Facility 301G.