Swamp crawler

A crawl-high, alternatively known as a mudmauler or swamp crawler, functioned as a wheeled transport for both personnel and cargo used by the Imperial forces on Mimban circa 2 ABY.

Frequently deployed at isolated outposts, the swamp crawler was favored by Imperial officers and troops anticipating challenging landscapes. Its design incorporated a distinctive central wheel, granting drivers the ability to execute near-instantaneous turns to adapt to the environment. The vehicle comprised three sections: the front held two driver seats and the controls, the rear segment featured a blaster cannon facing backward, and the middle section had two additional seats and was supported by six sizable wheels.

Despite being designated as an all-terrain vehicle, the crawler occasionally struggled with Mimban's marshy conditions. To navigate the planet's swamps, an elderly Force-sensitive named Halla offered assistance to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa in their quest to find the Kaiburr crystal, by locating a swamp crawler. They made a hasty exit from an Imperial garage and ventured into the Mimban swamps in search of the Temple of Pomojema. However, the crawler began to sink in the deep swamps. Halla believed she had discovered a secure route through the bog, but it turned out to be a dormant wandrella. Before Halla could maneuver the vehicle, the creature seized it with its lethal jaws, ejecting the occupants.

Later, having successfully avoided the wandrella, Halla and her companions discovered another swamp crawler, which they utilized to reach the Temple. Although Darth Vader intercepted them, Luke and Leia managed to secure the crystal and escape with Halla in the crawler.

